Legal News & Views

Legal News & Views (Monthly)

Legal News & Views, holding the distinction of being India's oldest monthly legal magazine, has completed 22 years of its publication this year. The publication of the magazine preceded India's formal attempt to institutionalise programmes for legal aid. Thus, its publication and other related activities in the Institute have a pioneering position. The primary objective of the magazine is to inform the common populace, in easy and simple language, about its legal rights. The contents of the magazine are divided into different categories like rights of workers, rights of women, rights of SC/STs, rights of children, rights of consumers etc. In addition to relevant articles, the magazine carries important judgements and news pertaining to these categories. The idea behind the dissemination of legal information, through the magazine, is not only to make the reader aware of the law but also about the power of law and how it can be used to protect and promote the fundamental rights of people.

Editorial Board
Dr. M.P. Raju, Advocate, Supreme Court
Mr. Jose Kavi, Editor, UCAN
Mr. K.S. Bhati, Advocate, Supreme Court
Mr. Vidya Bhushan Rawat, Journalist & Social Activist
Mr. Sanjay Jain, Principal, ILS, Law College, Pune

Editorial Team
Ravi Sagar: Editor
Bibin John: Associate Editor
V. Ngamshemla: Associaate Editor
Ruben Minj: Layout & Design

LNV is a non-thematic magazine. Generally, it carries material on current developments in the field of law, justice, and policy having a bearing on the human rights of marginalized people.

The Editorial Team invites you all – Authors, Academicians, Researchers, Policy Makers, Advocates, and Students – to contribute your articles for publication in our monthly magazine “Legal News and Views” (LNV) which is published by the Indian Social Institute. The magazine has been in circulation for over 40 years.  Its primary objective is to inform the common populace, in easy and simple language, about its legal rights and present a theory, practice, analysis, views, and research findings on issues and developments which is relevant to our current and future society and environment.


We encourage authors to cover new developments and invite innovative and stipulating articles. The use of references and/or endnotes is strongly encouraged, as they increase the relevance and significance of an article. The author is responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions for quoted or borrowed material. Kindly note that all articles will be checked for plagiarism. The word count of the article should be approximately 1200-1500 words. The topics mentioned below are the themes lined up for the year 2024.


Focusing on reaffirming an unwavering commitment to counter any form of intolerance that may lead to group-targeted violence.

Focusing on promoting a sense of unity and recognizing the importance of peaceful life.

Focusing on raising awareness about consumer rights and protection against unjust trade practices.

Focusing on promoting awareness of cultural heritage and encouraging the preservation and promotion of important cultural heritage.

Focusing on the importance of freedom of the press as the instrument to voice out for society.

Focusing to draw attention to the consequences of contaminated food and adulteration and to ensure food safety as the fundamental right of every individual.

Focusing on human resource management and addressing various hurdles towards achieving sustainable development.

Focusing on the importance of social protection for indigenous peoples and provides ways for ensuring a rights-based framework for promoting social protection for indigenous men, women, children and guaranteeing basic level of social protection.

Focusing on identifying and understanding the importance of literacy and literature of every community, region and culture and preserving them for sustainable growth.

Focusing on raising awarenes among people about taking action for the rights of animals and safeguarding them from all animal cruelties.

Focusing to address the sanitation crisis and asserting right to sanitation and health is a fundamental right under Article 21 of the Constitution of India.

Focusing on the fundamental rights and liberties to which all people worldwide are entitled simply by virtue of their humanity.

Your Opinion Matters

Dear Readers, kindly share your views and comment on the below questions for our upcoming issue.


“Our economy is enhanced when learners have higher literacy levels. Effective literacy skills open the doors to more educational and employment opportunities so that people can put themselves out of poverty and chronic underemployment”.    


“India is lucky to have one of the most comprehensive sets of Animal Protection laws in the world enshrined in the Indian Constitution, Article 51(g) states the following. The Government of India enacted Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 with the objective to effectively protect the wildlife of their country and to control poaching, smuggling and illegal trade in wildlife and its derivative”.

Kindly share your view in the light of the above statement. 

We request you to kindly send your answers to by 5th of August for the September issue and 5th of September for the October issue. The word count should be between 200-300 words.


Subscribe today and make sure that your copy is booked in advance. This is the opportune moment and don’t let it slip by.

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